Perform medical surgery
Treat medical condition of patient
Perform minor surgery
Treat acute illnesses, infections, or injuries
Administer blood or other fluids intravenously
Administer basic health care or medical treatments
Conduct invasive medical diagnostic assessments
Conduct noninvasive medical diagnostic assessments
Identify patient's current and past drug history
Employ preventative procedures with medical therapy patients or clients
Operate therapeutic medical instruments or equipment
Perform emergency medical procedures
Administer non-intravenous medications
Treat chronic diseases or disorders
Administer anesthetics or sedatives
Give medications or immunizations
Prepare patients for tests, therapy, or treatments
Treat dental problems or diseases
Refer patients to other healthcare practitioners or health resources
Follow protocols or regulations for healthcare activities
Administer intravenous medications
Test patient nervous system functioning
Administer medical substances for imaging or other procedures
Test patient heart functioning
Test patient lung functioning
Test biological specimens to gather information about patient conditions
Perform dental hygiene procedures
Conduct medical x-rays
Conduct medical tests
Implement life support procedures
Develop medical treatment plans
Test patient vision
Apply traction to patients
Conduct dental x-rays
Develop treatment plans that use non-medical therapies
Develop exercise or conditioning programs
Fit medical supportive devices