Producers and Directors:

Produce or direct stage, television, radio, video, or motion picture productions for entertainment, information, or instruction. Responsible for creative decisions, such as interpretation of script, choice of actors or guests, set design, sound, special effects, and choreography.

Also includes

Program Directors , Talent Directors , Technical Directors/Managers

About the Job

Indiana Average Salary $58,430.00
Average Time to Fill 0 days
Typical Education Bachelor's degree
Typical Experience
10 Year Projected Openings (2016-2026) 1,457
10 Year Expected Percentage Change (2016-2026) 1.71 %

For more information on the new projection methodology, visit Hoosiers by the Numbers .

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Skills Profile

Essential (Soft) Skills

Essential Skills to Employers

Attention to Detail
Information Gathering
Critical Thinking
Oral Communication
Written Communication
Resource Allocation
Work Ethic
Technology and Tool Usage
Customer Service

Top Job Duties and Responsibilities

Thinking Creatively

Edit film scenes
Convey moods or emotions through music
Express creativity through music, song, dance, or acting
Portray roles using gesture or body movement
Rehearse role independently from script to learn lines
Tell stories through musical, visual, or dramatic arts
Achieve special camera effects
Create artistic objects, materials, or renderings
Develop movie sound track
Establish pace and sequence of program and scenes
Produce stage and film productions
Prepare production storyboards
Determine locale or period of story
Write material for artistic or entertainment purposes
Write scripts for use in movies, plays, or a variety of entertainment venues
Create computer graphics, animation, objects, or images
Design merchandise or product displays
Determine presentation subjects or content

Guiding, Directing, and Motivating Subordinates

Manage financial activities of the organization
Coordinate documentation, reporting, or editing activities
Manage broad organizational programs or initiatives
Direct talent to optimize performance
Direct fundraising or financing activities
Coordinate logistics for productions or events
Manage industrial production activities or processes
Coordinate activities of production personnel
Oversee execution of organizational or program policies
Supervise personnel or contractors in artistic or entertainment settings
Assign work to staff or employees

Judging the Qualities of Things, Services, or People

Evaluate applicant qualifications for employment
Evaluate contract personnel performance
Evaluate applicant, staff, or individual skill levels
Evaluate talent of individuals or groups
Evaluate employee performance
Evaluate length, content, or suitability of program for broadcast
Evaluate script quality
Manage content of broadcasts or presentations
Evaluate advertising promotions
Study production records

Department of Workforce Development Resources